Are there any smoking areas in the hotel?
Smoking is only permitted in outdoor areas such as terraces.
Does the hotel have its own parking?
Yes. For information on car parking, please consult the hotel’s website.
Is there a charge for the car park? How much is it?
Car parking is paid for. There is a fixed charge of 15€ per night and per car. In the case of meeting rooms or other events there is a special rate of €10 per car.
Is it possible to book the car park in advance in order to guarantee it?
We do not make car park reservations.
Can I leave my luggage at the hotel before check-in and/or after check-out?
Yes, all our hotels have a space where guests can store their luggage before check-in and after check-out.
Do the rates include access to the swimming pool?
We don’t have a swimming pool.
Are pets allowed in the hotel?
Yes. 2 pets are allowed per room with a maximum weight of 20kg. The cost is 35€ per night, per animal. A deposit of €100.00 is charged to cover any damage that may occur in the room.
Does the hotel have meeting rooms?
The hotel has six meeting rooms.
Does the hotel have weeding services?
No, the hotel does not cater for weddings.
Are there any lifts?
There are two customer service lifts.
Are there any chargers for electric cars?
There are two paid electric chargers available
Is there any Wi-fi service in the hotel (including rooms)?
Yes, there is a Wi-Fi service throughout the hotel.
Does the hotel have lobby and public spaces?
Yes, there is a lobby and public areas in the hotel.
Does the hotel have laundry and ironing service?
Yes, there is a charge for this service.
Which activities can be booked in the reception?
Tours, dinners/lunches, excursions and extreme activities such as aeroplane jumping (subject to availability of external companies).
Is there a babysitting service?
Yes, if requested at the time of booking and subject to availability.
How does the lost and found service work?
You should send us an e-mail to melia.oriente@meliaportugal.com describing the item you lost and when you were with us at our hotel. We will reply via the same e-mail address.
I would like to be notified via email about promotions and special offers, what should I do?
Join the free Meliarewards programme and authorise the sending of information.
Does the Hotel have a loyalty program?
Yes, Meliá hotels have the Meliá Rewards programme. You can find more information at this link: https://www.melia.com/en/meliarewards.
Where can I find information about other hotels of the group?
You can find information about more hotels of the Hoti Hoteis brand here: https://www.hotihoteis.com/hotel-portfolio
Top 5 in Caparica
Based on 363 reviews
Contact us
T. General
Av. D. João II, Parque das Nações, 1990-083 Lisboa
*Call to the national landline network
MELIÁREWARDS is Meliá Hotels International’s loyalty program in which the price is just the first of the many advantages and exclusive offers you can enjoy.
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