Quite a few of the 10 million visitors to Expo’98 decided to be “innovative” and come up with their own names for places and attractions. There were some true gems collected by Expo workers, which were made into a booklet entitled “What you never imagined you would hear – the phenomenon of the paranormal visitor”.
Fishodrome/ Fisharium/ Oceanatic = Oceanarium
Stratospheric / Peripheric / Little baskets / Bowls = Cable Car
Toby’s Pavilion / Myopia Pavilion = Utopia Pavilion
Algae and Matrix/ Aqua my Tricks/ Asterix = Acqua Matrix
Sexual Reality Pavilion/ Spiritual Reality / Virtual Virtue = Virtual Reality Pavilion
Sonia Plaza = Sony Plaza
Where are the swimming babies?/Where’s the baby aquarium? = question often asked as a result of the Expo’98 promotional advertisement featuring babies swimming