Expo’98 Literature
Before, during and after EXPO’98, there was a remarkable flurry of publishing activity, from tour guides to books on the subject of the oceans. In essence, priority was given to publicising the Exposition and its associated initiatives, and to publications whose contents were related to the host city, Lisbon, universal expositions and architecture. The most relevant were the books directly relating to Expo’98, such as the Official Exposition Guide (40,000 copies in Portuguese, and 15,000 copies each in English, Spanish and French), three volumes of a Show Guide and the Official Pavilion Catalogues (five publications, one for each themed pavilion). Below are a few examples of the extensive list of publications:

Lisbon’s World Exposition – Architecture
Description: Large-format book with luxury binding, illustrated with drawings and photographs of the 1998 Lisbon World Exposition. It was considered to be the best book about the architecture of Expo´98 and today is the only testament to the architectural layout of the event.
Authors: Luiz Trigueiros, Claudio Sat, Cristina Oliveira, António Mega Ferreira, Francesco Indocina, Jorge Gaspar, Luís Bruno Soares, Luís Vassalo Rosa, Michel Toussaint and Victor Matias. Photography by Rui Morais.
Year published: 1998
Language: Bi-lingual edition in Portuguese/Spanish and Portuguese/English
Publisher: Editorial Blau and Parque EXPO 98

Utopia Pavilion
Description: Heavily-illustrated catalogue of the shows performed in the Utopia Pavilion area throughout the 132 days of the exposition. This space was open to the imagination, and was used to recreate the fears, dreams, myths and legends which have inhabited Man’s collective mind throughout history and which became associated with the oceans.
Authors: Carmen Bueno, Regino Cruz, Wanda Caio, ROZON, François Confino, Philippe Genty, Fabrizio Sabelli, Eduardo Prado Coelho, Mia Couto, Clara Pinto Correia, Eduardo Lourenço, António Tabucchi, Gilles Lapouge, David Toop, Adelaide Batista.
Collection: Catalogues of Themed Pavilions
Year published: 1998
Language: Available in Portuguese, French (“Pavillon de L’Utopie”) and Spanish (“Pabellón de La Utopia”)
Publisher: Parque EXPO 98

Knowledge of the Seas Pavilion
Description: Catalogue recalling the mission of the Knowledge of the Seas Pavilion at Expo’ 98, whose aim was to show the process of Man’s finding, discovering and progressively appropriating the Oceans throughout history.
Authors: João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Nuno and José Mateus, Mário Pereira, Adelino Cardoso, Rita Costa Gomes, Frédéric Mauro, Francisco Contente Domingues, Alfredo Pinheiro Marques, A. Estácio dos Reis, R. Sousa Machado, A.H. de Oliveira Marques, João Cúcio Frada, Cláudio Torres, K.N. Chauduri, Jaap Bruijn, Isabel Cluny and José Saldanha, Laura and João Neves, Jean-Yves Blot, José Luís de Matos, Paulo Oliveira Ramos, Joaquim Romero Magalhães
Collection: Catalogues of Themed Pavilions
Year published: 1998
Language: Available in Portuguese (“Catálogo do Pavilhão do Conhecimento dos Mares”), French (“Pavillon de La Conaissance des Mers”) and Spanish (“Pabellón del Conocimiento de los Mares”)
Publisher: Parque EXPO 98

Future Pavilion
Description: The Future Pavilion offered visitors a scientific view of the seas and of the requirements to explore and protect them. Marine biodiversity, interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere, underwater hot springs and ocean life are thus some of the contents which go to make up this catalogue focusing on the central themes of researching and preserving the oceans.
Authors: Paula Santos, Rui Ramos and Miguel Guedes, Pedro Ravara and Nuno Vidigal, Daniel Jouvance-Rocher, Francisco Fatela, Pedro Casaleiro and Paulo Sobral Marques, A.M. Galopim de Carvalho, Ricardo Serrão Santos, EUREKA, COI, Isabel Ambar, Maria José Rosado Costa, F. Veloso Gomes, João Alveirinho Dias, Fátima Abrantes, António de Frias Martins.
Collection: Catalogues of Themed Pavilions
Year published: 1998
Language: Available in French (“Pavillon du Future”) and Spanish (“Pabellón del Futuro”).
Publisher: Parque EXPO’98

Oceans Pavilion
Description: The Oceans Pavilion was one of the highlights of Expo’98. This catalogue takes a trip through the spaces and architecture of the Oceanarium designed by the American architect Peter Chermayeff, and shows us how art can convey science. In this book the oceans are a source of inspiration and knowledge.
Authors: Peter Chermayeff, David Manwarren, Lauren Dewey Platt, Pedro Salgado, Francisca Menezes Ferreira, João Soares, Sophia de Mello Breyner, António Mega Ferreira, Sylvia Earle, Ricardo Serrão Santos, Humberto Rosa, Francisco Andrade, José-Augusto França, António Vitorino d’ Almeida, João Paulo Cotrim.
Collection: Catalogues of Themed Pavilions
Year published: 1998
Language: Available in Portuguese (“Pavilhão dos Oceanos”), French (“Pavillon des Oceans”) and Spanish (“Pabellón de los Oceanos”)
Publisher: Parque EXPO 98

Expo’98 Official Guide
Description: Designed to be a useful tool for visitors, the Expo’98 Official Guide still remains a source of valuable information regarding Lisbon’s World Exposition. It brings together brief texts on the most diverse subjects relating to the event: its history, official music, a description of a typical day in the Expo precinct, the cultural schedule, location maps, themed pavilions and, of course, all the participating countries.
Author: Commissariat of the 1998 Lisbon World Exposition
Year published: 1998
Languages: Available in four versions/languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish
Publisher: Parque EXPO 98

Documents for the history of Expo ’98
Description: “This book brings together the most relevant documents for the candidacy and preparation of EXPO’98. It consists of a very useful dossier which acts as a recollection and an assurance. A recollection of what was achieved, and because it was excellently done, it deserves to be remembered as an example and a teaching tool.” Jorge Sampaio in Documents for the history of Expo ’98
Editing coordinator: Margarida Sobral Cid and Dulce Reis
Year published: 1999
Language: Portuguese
Pages: 330
Publisher: Parque Expo 98

Atlantic Pavilion, Regino Cruz and Skidmore, Owings & Merril
Description: The story of the construction of the Utopia Pavilion, later re-named the Atlantic Pavilion and now the Meo Arena, told in the drawings and words of its creators: Regino Cruz and Nicholas Jacobs of Skidmore, Owings & Merril.
“The intention is for the building to allow for different readings. There is no fixed central idea which forces us towards any particular understanding. The Atlantic Pavilion can be whatever we want it to be: an upturned caravel, a rugby ball, a beetle…(…).”
Regino Cruz in Pavilhão Atlântico
Authors: Regino Cruz and Nicholas Jacobs
Year published: 2000
Language: Portuguese
Publisher: Parque Expo 98

Caminho do Oriente (Path to the East)
Description: “It was vital to give back Lisbon’s inhabitants their use and enjoyment of the vast area which the changes to the industrial fabric of the city had transformed into a chaotic mass which had then been left abandoned. Regenerating this area was not viable unless it was undertaken within the framework of a global project.” A. Mega Ferreira in Caminho do Oriente
Author/Coordinator: José Sarmento de Matos
Year published: 1998
Language: Bi-lingual edition (Portuguese / English)
Publisher: Commissariat of the 1998 Lisbon world Exposition

International Expositions of the 20th Century and the BIE
Description: Universal expositions have, for over 150 years, held a special place in Man’s collective conscience, and have been overseen by the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) since 1928. Marcel Galopin was the French delegate at the BIE from 1983 to 1995, and climbed to the position of deputy-chairman. He is therefore the right person to write a tome dedicated to the winding road taken by the institution and to the impact the expositions have had as a social phenomenon.
Author: Marcel Galopin
Year published: 1997
Language: Portuguese
Publisher: Parque Expo 98

Description: Book published for the international photography exposition “À Prova de Água” which was held at the CCB during the 100 days of Expo’98, portraying water (and the planet) in all its varied forms. Curated by Jorge Calado, this display of great historical, artistic and educational value brought together works by the most important names in world photography (Ansel Adams, Nobuyoshi Araki, Diane Arbus, Eugene Atget, Bill Brandt, Brassai, Cartier-Bresson, amongst others), reproduced in this book, which is itself an homage to photography.
Author: Jorge Calado
Year published: 1998
Language: English
Pages: 567
Publisher: Parque Expo 98

D. Carlos de Bragança – Passion for the Sea
Description: This book portrays the passion of the last king of Portugal for oceanography, in reproductions of watercolours, drawings, letters and 94 black-and-white photographs. Recognised internationally, the scientific work and research undertaken by D. Carlos of Bragança are still a vital reference in books on this specialist subject.
Authors: Margarida de Magalhães Ramalho, José de Sarmento Matos, José-Augusto França, Rui Ramos, Luiz Saldanha, Seabra de Melo and Silva Ribeiro
Year published: 1996 (1st Centenary of the Oceanographic Campaigns of D. Carlos)
Language: Portuguese
Publisher: Parque EXPO 98, Portuguese navy and Casa de Bragança Foundation