“A meeting place for all people of the world.”

Jorge Sampaio, then the President of the Republic


“We left behind the black and white nation of dictators. Now it is the image of a different Portugal which is splashed across the covers and headlines of newspapers all over the world.”

Cáceres Monteiro, a journalist and one of the founders of Visão magazine


“A way for Portugal to tell the world that its work, as big as its dreams, is always, within itself, the imperial time.”

Eduardo Lourenço, Portuguese professor, philosopher and thinker


Expo’98 is a “celebration of the democratic regime.”

“For many Portuguese, experiencing this exposition is to open an encyclopaedia for the first time.”

António Mega Ferreira, the “father” of Expo’98


The Lisbon exposition “is much better than the one in Seville.”

Juan Carlos, then the king of Spain


“You just have to look around at everything to see the intelligence, work and organisation which were required to transform what used to be a decrepit part of the city into this admirable microcosm of the world.”

Ole Philipson, president of the Bureau International des Expósitions


Sound bites Expo’98


Dress rehearsal

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